Religion in Public Life
Religion receives growing attention in Canadian public discourse, as conversation revolves around the relationship between religion and secular society. How can we draw upon the positive potential of religious language and social action, while setting aside the divisive sectarianism and prejudices of the past? This is a task that calls for new language, thinking, and robust conversation about the relationship between religion and society in general.

The Office of Public Affairs works in partnership with a range of organizations, universities, and government agencies to foster a discourse about the role of religion in public life. Featured below is information about a number of recent projects and events.
Each section below highlights aspects of a number of projects advanced by the Office of Public Affairs, often in partnership with other organizations.
- Statement of Purpose
- News Article (Bahá'í World News Service): "New Canadian parliamentary caucus looks at religion’s role in society"
- News Article (Winnipeg Free Press): "All-party caucus to explore where faith, politics meet"
- News Article (Hill Times): "New interfaith caucus spreading the good words through personal connection"
- News Article (Catholic Register): "Parliamentary interfaith caucus established to foster dialogue in Ottawa"
- Video: “Faith as a Vehicle for Dialogue: A View from the Community”
- News Article: “MPs and religious groups explore connection between faith, democracy and dialogue”
- Blog Post (Open Democracy): “Finding the Place of Religion in Canada’s Democratic Life”
- News Article (Hamilton Spectator): “Mixing faith and politics could be a good thing for Canada”
- News Article (Winnipeg Free Press): “MP urges creation of all-party interfaith caucus”
- News Article (Catholic Register): “MPs look to bridge gap in faith, politics”
Virtual conference (with Manitoba Multifaith Council), 2021
University of Toronto (with Multi-Faith Centre), 2019
- Conference Poster
- Conference Theme Statement
- Conference Program
- Video: Plenary Sessions
- Video: “What constructive contributions can religion bring to Canadian society?”
- Video: “How can we bridge the religious-secular divide?”
- News Article: "Conference explores identity and common ground in an age of transition"
Saint Paul University (with Canadian Race Relations Foundation and Faith in Canada 150), 2017
University of British Columbia (with Laurier Institution), 2015
McGill University (with Faculty of Religious Studies and Tony Blair Faith Foundation), 2013
- Conference Framework
- Conference Schedule
- Conference Speakers and Bios
- News Article: “The role of religion in Canadian public discourse explored at Montreal conference”
- News Article (Vancouver Sun): “ ‘Bridging the secular divide’ requires a thick skin"
- News Article (Vancouver Sun): “‘Bridging the Secular Divide’: Pivotal conference begins May 27th”
- News Article (National Post): “McGill conference seeks place for religious perspectives in increasingly secular Quebec society”
- Submission to the Government of Canada on the Office of Religious Freedom, 2011
- Editorial (Open Canada): “Canada and the Future of Religious Freedom,”
- Editorial (Embassy): “Next Steps on the Office of Religious Freedom”
- News Article: “Bahá'í Representative Appointed to Canada’s External Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom”
- Membership on the Advisory Council of the Cardus Religious Freedom Institute
Membership on the “Cabinet of Canadians”
Thread of 1000 Stories
Participation in “Spirited Citizenship” conferences
Participation in the Millennial Network
- News Article: “Religious leaders call for action on the environment, poverty and peace”
- News Article: “Religious freedom examined at G8 Religious Summit event”
- News Article: “Bahá'í Commentary on G8 Religious Leaders’ Statement”
- News Article: “Bahá'í community of Canada contributes to Interfaith G8/G20 initiative and statement”
Each section below includes links to news articles about recent events attended by the Office of Public Affairs.
Further Reading
More information about this area can be found in the Document Library