Citizenship and Diversity
As Canada welcomes a growing number of newcomers, many people are searching for new approaches that can foster unity and solidarity amidst our diversity. We aim to promote a discourse that can help us to discover how to live and prosper in societies that draws on a rich cultural inheritance, and sees newcomers as participants in the creation of a better country.

The Office of Public Affairs works in partnership with a range of organizations, universities, and government agencies to foster a discourse about migration, citizenship, and diversity. Featured below is information about a number of recent projects and events.
Each section below highlights aspects of a number of projects advanced by the Office of Public Affairs, often in partnership with other organizations.
- News Article and Video (Baha'i World News Service): "Religion and the integration of new arrivals into Canadian society"
- News Article: “How does religion influence the civic participation of immigrant populations?”
- News Article: “Seminar examines religion and inclusion in Canadian society”
- News Article: “Seminar explores the role of religion in immigration and settlement”
- News Article: “Seminar explores the “Migration-Religion Nexus”
- A Symposium on the Iranian Baha'i Refugee Movement to Canada, 1981–1989: Program
- A Symposium on the Iranian Baha'i Refugee Movement to Canada, 1981–1989: Videos
- News Article: “Iranian Bahá'í refugees the subject of Carleton University symposium”
- Magazine Article (Literary Review of Canada): “A Quiet Exodus”
- News Article (Toronto Star): “Visa officer, refugee meet again in tearful reunion 30 years later”
- News Article (Toronto Star): “‘I was floored,’ visa officer says of reunion with refugee”
Each section below includes links to news articles about recent events attended by the Office of Public Affairs.
- News Article: “MPs and religious groups explore connection between faith, democracy and dialogue”
- Blog Post (Open Democracy): “Finding the Place of Religion in Canada’s Democratic Life”
- News Article (Hamilton Spectator): “Mixing faith and politics could be a good thing for Canada”
- News Article (Winnipeg Free Press): “MP urges creation of all-party interfaith caucus”
- News Article (Catholic Register): “MPs look to bridge gap in faith, politics”
- News Article: “DemocracyXChange addresses the challenge of social change in an age polarization”
Further Reading
More information about this area can be found in the Document Library
- Podcast: “The Public Discourse: The Role of Community” (2020)
- Podcast: “The Public Discourse: Overcoming Us versus Them” (2020)
- News Article: “Youth lead conversations on racism and social change” (2020)
- News Article: “Community of English learners support one another during health crisis” (2020)
- Thought Piece: "Religion and Civic Engagement"
- Thought Piece: "Citizenship and Inclusion"