Areas of Focus
The Office of Public Affairs works on a range of topics and issues that are related to the well-being of Canadian society. Many of these issues fall within one of our areas of focus, which are broad domains in which we try to build relationships, develop content, and create opportunities for learning and dialogue that can eventually contribute to public policy.
What We Do
We collaborate with like-minded organizations and experienced individuals across the country to work on pressing social issues where there are opportunities to think in new ways about approaches and solutions. Recent projects, activities, and further reading are highlighted in relation to each of the areas of focus.
Citizenship and Diversity ›
We are asking how newcomers to Canada become full participants in the life of society, and what we can do to eradicate hatred and prejudice.
Reconciliation ›
We are exploring how to talk about reconciliation in a way that honours the contributions of Indigenous people to Canada, and promotes a path of reconciliation characterized by unity and justice.
Religion in Public Life ›
We are seeking to foster a new conversation that can bridge the religious-secular divide in Canadian public discourse.
Gender Equality ›
We are examining the implications of the fundamental equality of women and men for all aspects of our social, economic, and political life.
Other areas of engagement
In addition to our areas of focus, we also contribute to the public conversation on the following issues: